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Showing posts with label Facebook Alternative App. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Alternative App. Show all posts

Saturday 5 October 2019

LookChup: World Teachers' Day 2019

विश्व आज शिक्षकों का सम्मान कर रहा है।लेकिन यूनेस्को की सिफारिशों को 1966 में संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा स्वीकारने के बाद पहली बार अक्टूबर 1994 को विश्व शिक्षक दिवस मनाया गया। तथा आज दुनिया के तकरीबन 100 से ज्यादा देशों में 5 अक्टूबर को विश्व शिक्षक दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।
विश्व शिक्षक दिवस 2019 की थीम ‘युवा शिक्षक शिक्षा क्षेत्र का भविष्य' (“Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession”) रखी गई है ।

World Teachers Day

अलग-अलग देशों में अलग-अलग दिन मनाया जाता है शिक्षक दिवस जैसे की
S. No. Country Date
May 9
Puerto Rico 
May 12
South Korea, Mexico 
May 15
May 16
June 6
El Salvador 
June 22
June 25
June 29
Dominican Republic
June 30
August 31
September 11
September 17
September 28
Estonia, Lithuania, France, Canada 
October 5
October 14
October 15
October 16
 November 20
Costa Rica 
November 22
November 24
November 27
December 1
December 22
Sri Lanka
5 October
25 November
10 September
28 February
1 March
16 May

भारत में शिक्षक दिवस सितंबर को मनाया जाता है

भारत में शिक्षक दिवस (Teachers Day) भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपति सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन के जन्म दिन पर सितंबर को मनाया जाता है डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन भारत के पहले उप.राष्ट्रपतिए दूसरे राष्ट्रपतिए महान दार्शनिकए बेहतरीन शिक्षकए स्कॉलर और राजनेता थे डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन को 27 बार नोबेल पुरस्कार के लिए नामित किया गया थाण् 1954 में उन्हें भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया गया
World Teachers Day

यूनेस्को इंस्टीट्यूट फॉर स्टेटिस्टिक्स द्वारा दिए गए आंकड़ों के अनुसार दुनिया को शिक्षा 2030 एजेंडा को पूरा करने के लिए लगभग 69 मिलियन नए शिक्षकों की आवश्यकता है।

Monday 16 September 2019

Why Should You Create ebook?

create ebook online

Wednesday 11 September 2019

How To Promote eBook on LookChup?

Nowadays eBooks are being used for business purposes. many people set out to create free eBooks online with the aim of making money. But to accomplish this aim you need to promote eBook. Once you complete your eBook, the next step will be to promote your eBook in order to drive huge traffic. If you take the eBook promotion portion for granted, then you may not achieve your aim. You cannot sit idle after completing your eBook. You have more responsibility to promote your eBook online. Selling your work online is far different from selling in a traditional venue such as a bookstore.
Create eBook Online

You might be thinking about where to promote? For this question, I would recommend you to promote your eBook on LookChup eBook maker online. This is a great online eBook maker where you can publish your eBook online in order to make it visible to everyone. Promotion is very easy and free of charge on this platform. In a bookstore, your work is sitting on the shelf ready to be chosen by whoever walks in the store, your main obstacle is that yours is not the only book. It most likely is one of the hundreds if not thousands of books the store has in stock.

The first technique about the eBook promotion campaign to understand your target market. You must understand their needs, wants, requirements and desires. You need to know what bothers them or what not. This understanding helps you to create more targeted marketing campaigns which really hit the spot and bring in a greater return on investment.
Free eBook Creator

you need to consider several online marketing techniques for advertising your eBook. Article marketing is an effective way to market information products like eBooks because when people are searching for articles to read online, they are hungry for information. eBooks are just another source of information where we can satiate our hunger. Other proven online marketing techniques include pay-per-click advertising, banner advertising, email marketing, and social media marketing. So, eBook promotion is a very crucial part of your business only then you can grow your business.

Read More Also

Tuesday 10 September 2019

How do I login to My LookChup Account?

We know that LookChup is india’s best social networking platform. It’s launched by one of the best IT Company MMTCS Pvt. Ltd. (Mega Mind Tracker Consultant Softtech Pvt. Ltd.) in 2017. Lookchup brings us closer together. People can search their old friends as well as can make new friends. This platform provides various facilities like createan eBook online, create resume online, create custom greeting cards, website builder, you can keep in touch with your relatives and friends with the help of this platform, No matter how far they are. People can easily login lookchup account.
To log into your LookChup account on your computer, Tablet or Laptop browser:

1. Go to LookChup logIn page by typing "lookchup.com" into the URL bar of any browser.

2. Enter one of the Following
  • Email: you can log in with any email that is listed on your Lookchup account.
  • Phone number: if you’ve a mobile number confirmed on your account, you can enter it here (don’t add zeros before the country code, or any symbols).
  • Username: You can also log in with your username.
3. Enter your Password in the Password box.

4. Click logIn Button

If you're having a problem logging in:
If you're having trouble with your password, your password doesn't work, or you don't remember it, choose the blue "Forgot Password" from the bottom of the logIn box. 

Monday 9 September 2019

How to Reset or Recover LookChup Forgotten Password?

LookChup is said to be a best social networking site or Facebook Alternative App i.e launched in 2017 through the India parent company MMTCS (MegaMind Tracker Consultant Service Pvt. Ltd.). It's the most popular social media network in India.

Forgetting password is a very common issue these days, as there are so many accounts operated by a single user. Therefore it provides an easy option to recover the password of your LookChup Account, in other words, it is called LookChup password recovery Process.

How to Recover LookChup Forgotten Password?

Password recovery can be done in two conditions: if you forgot your LookChup password and if your account has been hacked. In both conditions steps to recover password are same, that are given as:

  • Go to the LookChup account Log In page


  • Click on "Forgot Password" Button.

lookchup forgotten password

  • The next page will ask you to enter your registered mail id.

reset lookchup password

  • After entering the mail id, Click on Recover Button
recover lookchup password

  • Check your inbox, you get new password from the support@lookchup.com domain.

No Email Received?

If you don't see the email in your inbox
    1. Check your spam/junk folder
    2. Make sure email address: support@lookchup.com is not blocked or make sure all emails from this email are always delivered.
    3. If that still does not work, try contacting your email service provider.

If you’re still having trouble, you’re requested to click Contact us” or mail us at support@lookchup.com

Get More Information :

Saturday 7 September 2019

Chandrayaan 2: क्या विक्रम लैंडर चंद्रमा पर दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया? जानिए लैंडिंग के दौरान क्‍या-क्‍या हुआ..

भारत के चंद्र मिशन को शनिवार तड़के उस समय झटका लगा, जब लैंडर विक्रम से चंद्रमा के सतह से महज दो किलोमीटर पहले इसरो का संपर्क टूट गया. इसके साथ ही 978 करोड़ रुपये लागत वाले चंद्रयान-2 मिशन का भविष्य अंधेरे में झूल गया है. भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (इसरो) के अध्यक्ष के. सिवन ने संपर्क टूटने की घोषणा करते हुए कहा कि चंद्रमा की सतह से 2.1 किमी पहले तक लैंडर का प्रदर्शन योजना के अनुरूप था. उन्होंने कहा कि उसके बाद उसका संपर्क टूट गया. इसरो ने एक आधिकारिक बयान में कहा, "यह मिशन कंट्रोल सेंटर है. विक्रम लैंडर योजना अनुरूप उतर रहा था और गंतव्य से 2.1 किलोमीटर पहले तक उसका प्रदर्शन सामान्य था. उसके बाद लैंडर का संपर्क जमीन पर स्थित केंद्र से टूट गया. डेटा का विश्लेषण किया जा रहा है."

लैंडर विक्रम की लैंडिंग से जुड़ी खास बातें

  • शनिवार तड़के लगभग 1.38 बजे जब 30 किलोमीटर की ऊंचाई से 1,680 मीटर प्रति सेकेंड की रफ्तार से 1,471 किलोग्राम का विक्रम चंद्रमा की सतह की ओर बढ़ना शुरू किया, तब सबकुछ ठीक था.

  • इसरो के टेलीमेट्री, ट्रैकिंग एंड कमांड नेटवर्क केंद्र के स्क्रीन पर देखा गया कि विक्रम अपने निर्धारित पथ से थोड़ा हट गया और उसके बाद संपर्क टूट गया.

  • लैंडर बड़े ही आराम से नीचे उतर रहा था, और इसरो के अधिकारी नियमित अंतराल पर खुशी जाहिर कर रहे थे.

  • लैंडर ने सफलतापूर्वक अपना रफ ब्रेक्रिंग चरण को पूरा किया और यह अच्छी गति से सतह की ओर बढ़ रहा था.

  • इसरो के एक वैज्ञानिक के अनुसार, लैंडर का नियंत्रण उस समय समाप्त हो गया होगा, जब नीचे उतरते समय उसके थ्रस्टर्स को बंद किया गया होगा और वह दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया होगा, जिसके कारण संपर्क टूट गया.

  • हालांकि 978 करोड़ रुपये लागत वाले चंद्रयान-2 मिशन का सबकुछ समाप्त नहीं हुआ है. इसरो के एक अधिकारी ने नाम न जाहिर करने के अनुरोध के साथ को बताया, "मिशन का सिर्फ पांच प्रतिशत -लैंडर विक्रम और प्रज्ञान रोवर- नुकसान हुआ है, जबकि बाकी 95 प्रतिशत -चंद्रयान-2 ऑर्बिटर- अभी भी चंद्रमा का सफलतापूर्वक चक्कर काट रहा है."

  • एक साल मिशन अवधि वाला ऑर्बिटर चंद्रमा की कई तस्वीरें लेकर इसरो को भेज सकता है. अधिकारी ने कहा कि ऑर्बिटर लैंडर की तस्वीरें भी लेकर भेज सकता है, जिससे उसकी स्थिति के बारे में पता चल सकता है.

  • चंद्रयान-2 अंतरिक्ष यान में तीन खंड हैं -ऑर्बिटर (2,379 किलोग्राम, आठ पेलोड), विक्रम (1,471 किलोग्राम, चार पेलोट) और प्रज्ञान (27 किलोग्राम, दो पेलोड). विक्रम दो सितंबर को आर्बिटर से अलग हो गया था.

  • चंद्रयान-2 को इसके पहले 22 जुलाई को भारत के हेवी रॉकेट जियोसिंक्रोनस सैटेलाइट लॉन्च व्हिकल-मार्क 3 (जीएसएलवी एमके 3) के जरिए अंतरिक्ष में लॉन्‍च किया गया था.

  • प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने उदास इसरो के वैज्ञानिकों से कहा कि साहसी बनें. मोदी ने आईएटीआरएसी के नियंत्रण कक्ष में वैज्ञानिकों के साथ बातचीत में कहा, "आपने अभी तक जो हासिल किया है, वह कोई छोटी उपलब्धि नहीं है."

Saturday 24 August 2019

Why Do We Need To Create eBook?

eBooks are one of the most effective ways to make money. With the rise of internet commerce, people have moved away from publishing information books and are leaning towards eBooks. A person who writes eBooks can take all of the profit themselves. Students prefer reading eBook more than paper books for increasing their knowledge. People read the online book mostly for getting the information they want. There are so many other benefits of reading an online book.
These eBooks can be easily bought and downloaded through eBook maker online. there are many online eBook makers and LookChup is a great eBook maker which provides eBooks to read anytime, anywhere without any cost. People can create their own eBooks on this site and publish online to make them visible to everyone in the world in order to drive massive traffic. this is one of the best ways of becoming a famous writer. All you have to do is just login into LookChup or download the app. People can read their favorite eBook for free.
 create an ebook online
There are many reasons to create eBooks:
  • It does not take much time to write eBooks as compared to paper books.
  • It takes no physical space.
  • It paves the way for doing business and becoming a famous writer.
  • They can be updated and deleted whenever needed.
  • They can be easily promoted online through internet.
  • They are easy to access online.
  • You can read an eBook while travelling in bus, metro, train, flight and can save time.
  • They are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
  • The font size is customizable.
  • They last forever wherein paper books don’t last long.
  • It holds your interest longer than a traditional book.
  • It saves money as well as time.

Now that you have come to know why you need to create an eBook online, you may begin making your very own eBooks on LookChup and publish them online worldwide.

Monday 29 April 2019

LookChup - Will Brand Your Business with Social Media Marketing

Are you planning to grow your brand? If you are, then how? According to traditional way, you need to reach out to people in the community and tell them who you are and what business you’re doing. But if you want to build a successful brand through this way, then you’re going to waste huge time and will take a lot of time. So there is a wonderful way to do this is with Social media Networking. This is the platform which connects you with thousands of people. There are various social networking sites such as Lookchup, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Social media networking is an ongoing endeavour. If you fail to manage regular communication on Lookchup, Facebook and Twitter, it will appear as if you have quit your business, even if this is the farthest thing from the truth.  You need to stay in touch with social media regularly – at least once a week if not more frequently.

Social Media Marketing
When you come up with networks, it allows you to build your brand in a different way. You can communicate with people about your brand. It also allows people to share what’s going on with their friends and their friends so that you can tap into larger parts of the community. Before you know about it, you have gone viral, at least within a certain community, which will tell more people about who you are and deliver more customers.

Branding is a big deal with your brand. You need to make sure people can identify you when people see your name or your logo. It takes consumers between 5 and 10 times to see a company brand before they consider using it. When you use social media networking, your customers can connect with you and they can then share details about your business with your friends. When you use social media in conjunction with other forms of marketing, you are making sure consumers can see you all of the times they need to be sure they know all about you.

Another reason you want to focus on social media networking is to make it easy to connect with the customers you already have. You will be able to communicate with your customers by way of Lookchup (Facebook Alternative), Facebook and Twitter. You can ask them for help with your marketing, deal with customer service problems and get opinions on new products and services.

Social media networking is not something you want to try and do alone simply because of the time required to manage the process. You can turn to social media networking marketing companies for assistance. They have a significant amount of experience with social media and marketing for businesses of all sizes. When you want to make sure your business is doing all it can to brand itself, you have to create profiles on the social media sites.

Whether you know all about Lookchup (Alternative to Facebook) , Facebook and Twitter or not, it's a good idea to get assistance. Marketing companies can help you with strategies that you never even thought about. They can also make sure that you are branding yourself properly and paying close attention to what your target demographics expect out of you.

For More Information Visit Us:- 
                                                  LookChup : Create Stunning Website in Minutes